Friday, September 2, 2016

Black Lives Matter wads many a panties, sources say

What so many people fail to realize - but that ultra-con pundits want you to look through and ignorant rednecks fail to see - is that saying, "Black lives matter," isn't saying other lives do not matter. It doesn't imply that only black lives matter. To think otherwise, regardless of which side of the issue you're on, is deliberate - and blazingly dangerous - ignorance...on a level with the Spanish Inquisition, the Salem Witch Trials, Islamo-fascist terrorism, and other dangerously ignorant movements throughout history that were based on miscommunication, deliberate falsehoods, fanning the flames of bigotry and xenophobia, and yes, a thousand times, yes, ignorance.

Ignorance is infectious, and there's nothing more dangerous than some ignorant knucklehead who only listens to authorities, peers and information outlets which agree with his or her preconceived, and very likely borrowed, ideas. Why? Because his ignorance is deliberate.

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