Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The Madness Never Ends!

This lady is very likely on a fixed income, and it is also very likely the city will not pay for the damage, and they're all laughing about it. Another SWAT raid gone wrong, but at least this time no one died. And was cuffing the (what, maybe ten-year-old?) child really necessary? They're out of control.

There are cities with populations with 1,500 people or less with SWAT units now. Did ya know that? We no longer have a police force, but rather a homeland military with badges. Anyone remember Soviet Russia? The U.S. is like that now (or rapidly getting there), only with M-16s instead of Kalashnikov AK-47s. And tanks. Fucking tanks.
Well ain't that just adorable!

Do I personally know the difference between the an AK-47/74 and an M-16? Why, of course I don't! I'm just a limp-wristed, liberal writer who catches butterflies - for the National Butterfly Reserve, mind you - and attend my weekly drum circles. And of course I volunteer time at the World Tree-Hugging Association in the interim . . .

(I actually did go to one of those drum circles back in my college days. I was stoned. It was hella fun. Until I broke out my guitar and was told [very kindly, I might add] that I was fucking up their vibe. I replied that that was cool, because I was grooving on that bonga drum anyway. But I digress.)

In truth, I love guns. I have several. They're lots of fun. And it does make me feel more on equal footing with the bad guys. I don't hunt, but I'm not necessarily against it, either. Personally, I just don't like killing warm-blooded creatures. If my family was hungry and we were penniless, I wouldn't hesitate. But I currently don't have a need to hunt, and at the same time, I love it when duck season comes around and I can bum some fresh duck off my buddies that do hunt.

All that said, I think someone who is against background checks is fucking stupid. I don't want violent ex-convicts and people who have been diagnosed with aggressive psychological conditions like bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, multiple personality disorder and the like owning firearms. That makes about as much sense as giving a loaded AK to a chimp.
". . . and then Bobo just lost his shit . . ."

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