Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Government does not exist to enforce your morals, say local cops

It is the government's flipping job to regulate, not to make profit. By regulating the markets, penalizing corporations for moving jobs overseas and for paying below-the-poverty-line wages, and putting caps on insurance and pharmaceutical rates, the government is doing its JOB. The government exists - presumptively at least - to protect and serve its citizenry. Commerce is not a governmental role. Why can't people see this? It isn't "wanting more government" simply because you want the government to function as it was intended.
Man is incredibly greedy and power-hungry. Both capitalism and communism feed into these two basest of motivators. Regulating businesses by keeping them from screwing over their consumers is just smart government. It's neither capitalism, communism, nor socialism - it's purely pragmatic.  

In addition to the protection of its citizenry, a government's function - as it was intended for the U.S.A. - is to allow the people to self-govern, and to afford checks and balances when insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies and the like get out of control. Neither is it the government's role to implement and regulate social norms. Having laws against gay marriage, sodomy, marijuana, and dozens of other practices in which people indulge that cause no harm to themselves or others is, at best, criminal, and at worst, social oppression.
Marijuana, for instance, is a civil rights issue, and should not be subject to federal or state law unless it is being sold for profit, in which case business licenses, taxes, LLC's and all that stuff should be considered. Point being, it has been proven beyond doubt that marijuana is far safer, far less harmful, and does far less damage both directly and indirectly than alcohol. Yet drunk drivers still kill hundreds each day. When was the last time you heard about someone high on pot involved in a fatal car crash? Yeah, I can't remember reading about that either ---- because it didn't happen. I won't say it has *never* happened, but come on....You cannot become chemically dependent on marijuana. You cannot overdose on marijuana. And if memory serves, a ONE ACRE marijuana crop can produce more paper than 4.1 acres of forest. Hemp oil is used for a number of things, and the plant itself has dozens, if not hundreds, of practical uses, including making clothing fabric. All that by itself should be enough to end the argument, but then it also has - by much acclaim from patients and doctors - almost "miraculous" medical uses.
The fact that it is still illegal is absolutely and utterly absurd . . . but it says two things to me very clearly: 1. Only an ultra-conservative mind could still insist, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, that marijuana is somehow dangerous and/or harmful. 2. I have smoked a whole lot of marijuana in my day, and I can say from experience that a few puffs and I'm in DEEP THOUGHT. Way deep. I'm figuring out the mysteries of the Universe. And whether it's just marijuana-fueled "Reefer Madness," or whether I truly am accessing some profound truths, what I can say with confidence is that our government - hell, most governments - do not want us thinking deeply. Indeed, they'd rather we not think much at all beyond going to work and being a good little cog in the Machine. They view thinkers as a threat. They have "think tanks," groups of people whose job is to think of ways to counter any kind of resistance, particularly social resistance.
I don't smoke marijuana. I used to, but I just don't anymore. The consequences (largely legal and professional) outweigh the benefits at this stage in my life. But I would breathe a heavy sigh of relief if my daughter came home high instead of drunk. I would prefer neither, of course, but if I had to choose, I'd go green every time. Every. Time.

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