Thursday, September 22, 2016

Editorial - Obama dun got hisself in a heap a trubble!

So there's this feller, Lew, who is apparently not an Obama fan (his profile photo is a guy in a cowboy hat and sunglasses . . . go figure) was a commenter on the Funny or Die video, Between Two Ferns with Zach Galiafinakis, and the guest was, of course, President Obama. I felt it my editorial duty to give ole Lew a little backup. You know . . . for posterity. I relate the conversation to you here, verbatim. Alliee: I gotta give Obama props he's the only president/political figure who isn't awkward and can actually do well in a comedic situation
"Run that sumbitch over with mah Chevy..."

Lew: lmao he's a clown... ringling bros. should hire him as the ass clown and have you follow him around with a
roll of tp

Darren: coolest president ever

Lew: lmao what meds are you on...

"I'm gonna faith heal the shit out of you...with my coat!"
Yours truly: Hyuck hyuck, that's right, Bubba Lew! You tell 'em! He must be own sum shiit if'n he thinks that thar black feller is cool. Obama is a terrble <'i' left out intentionally> president 'cause he' Yeah. Black. Oh, and he put into law that thar bill that no longer allows insurance companies to deny coverage to people with preexistin' conditions. And he legalized gay marriage (fuckin' faggits think they kin git married like good, honest Christian folk?),

Hinn house (hint: belongs to the guy who can evidently knock people unconscious with his coat)

and lifted the ban on stem cell research (and fuck what advances we've had in medicine becawz uv it!). What a cotton pickin' asshole! It don't matter none that mah mama can afford to get her chemo now, cuz Obummer (See there how clever I am? Oh, a bunch a pundits done started it? Aw shiit, that's raht! I dun heard that genius... what'zisname...Lars Larson! say that a bunch a tahms on late naht radio), Obummer ain't waht, he weren't no Republican, and I cain't wait to tell our buddy Dubya what that sumbitch did in Iraq! Goldarn spearchuckin' ijit! Mah sister-mama 'bout spit her beer out when she found out he done got reelected!

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