And it isn't because I was a Sanders supporter (I was, unashamedly - still am, actually) that Noah's constant kissing of the hem of Clinton's dress bothered me. It was because it was done so blatantly, and the audacity with which he did it made it clear to me he was being influenced, or outright ordered, by those higher up the food chain to support Hillary publicly. The Democratic National Convention apparently has far more influence over its members than does the Republican National Convention, because the DNC got the establishment candidate they wanted, and the nimrods at the RNC were apoplectic when Trump took the nomination. Indeed, it would not have surprised me all that much if they had rescinded his nomination. Indeed, they had a fucking moral obligation to do so because Trump, simply put, is a bad person.
Forget all the other synonyms with which Trump is commonly - and accurately - associated; words like "xenophobic," (the most Googled word of 2016, incidentally) "racist," "misogynistic," "bigoted," etc. Surely those alone should have disqualified him with the American public. But what really flies in the face of reason is that none of his millions of supporters seemed to mind that he is an admitted sex offender. They did not mind that 12 different women - TWELVE!!! - came forward to testify that he had made inappropriate sexual advances toward them. I can see someone paying off one, maybe even two - but 12??? They did not mind that he made a mockery of the public debate by defending his dick size - repeatedly - on national television. Or the childish and very un-presidential name-calling he can never seem to get enough of.
They did not mind that he is cripplingly insecure (very likely the source of his name-calling). They did not mind that he has been caught in more lies during his campaign than any other president in history in their entire term(s) in office. They did not mind that he was almost literally born with a silver spoon in his mouth - apparently they still believed he knew and understood the problems of the American working class, despite the fact that the man has never done an honest day's work in his life. (Sorry, but merely owning real estate and hiring other people to buy and sell more of it is not work.) And they did not mind that he is a textbook asshole. He did exceptionally well with white women in the polls, sadly, and shockingly well with African Americans, considering his natural propensity for offensive language . . . and, you know, that thing he did on the bus that he bragged about . . . the thing which makes him an admitted sex offender.

Which brings me to my second point: He literally cannot take criticism. Worse, he does not have the ability to admit any lack of ability or knowledge of, or about, anything. According to Trump, he ties his shoes the best, and he is 'amazing' at brushing his teeth. Speaking of teeth, despite any formal training, I am only slightly joking when I say I think he would probably contend that he was the best dentist as well. Hate to keep reusing this word, but here, it is the only one that works, and that is . . . he is literally the most thin-skinned person I have ever seen. He is bizarrely infantile, or as Jon Stewart put it, "he's like a man-baby." Very appropriate in this context, few could honestly deny. He rants at anyone who disapproves of him, and his is a case of textbook, clinical, narcissistic personality disorder. And it is closely related to sociopathy.
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