Your truth is not THE truth. You may THINK it is, and you may believe it with every ounce of your soul, but your truth is not everyone else's truth, regardless of how strongly you feel about it. Other people who disagree with you don't care about your truth, because it isn't THEIR truth.
Your truth is not FACT...unless it's a fact. Facts, though, are only found through empirical evidence, peer review, and general universal acceptance of the evidence as true. In other words, just because your preacher, your teacher, your mama or your daddy tell you it's the truth, it may not be true for others. In other words, your opinions on gay marriage, abortion, drugs, etc. are only that - opinions.
Accept that and move on. And if that makes you mad or hurts your feelings, too bad. Go take a yoga class. Take up jogging, martial arts, tennis. Get some therapy. But get over it. And stay the hell out of other people's business.
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