I want his fall to be slow, though. And deeply humiliating. He should be in prison, but that tangerine, racist man-baby sits in the Oval Office instead. I want him to fall dramatically. Slowly, painfully and dishonorably. I believe the conclusion is foregone, inevitable, but he should be made to suffer as he has made the majority of this country suffer . . . through his tirades and lies, his infantile tantrums and his hypocritical insults. His calling Clinton “Crooked Hillary” makes me cringe even worse than when I hear the phrase, “Fox News. Fair and balanced.”

Again, he belongs in an orange jumpsuit (okay, maybe not orange because that might aid in his escape) on a work farm in Kansas somewhere, pickax in hand. Tax dodging, sexual assault, and fraud are just a few for which he has openly admitted — nay, boasted — committing. He brags about skipping out on a billion dollars in unpaid taxes, brags about grabbing women by the genitals and forcing his pasty lips on them without their consent (“I don’t even ask. I just kiss them.”), and brags about stiffing contractors out of what he owes them and calls it good business; and this utter fool is the leader of the free world? He is a terrible businessman. The only thing in which he has succeeded is his persistence in insisting that he is as wonderful as he thinks he is, to the point that enough simple-minded fools believed him enough to give him a reality TV show. A scripted show in which multiple takes were allowed to make him look smart/savvy and powerful. And frankly, when was the last time they made a reality show about . . . anyone with even a thimbleful of class?
But he is a failure in every regard. He isn’t smart, he isn’t successful (Unless you consider a master bullshitter a success story, except he isn’t even any good at that — anyone paying attention knows when he’s lying . . . which is, quite literally, most of the time. Either that, or he simply starts saying words he thinks sound good, without thought or care to their accuracy or impact. Kellyanne Conway has to reach deep every time he missteps, and tries to paint him as this multilayered, cerebral guy, when it is plain as the screen I’m staring at that his vocabulary isn’t even multilayered, much less his personality and intellect. ), he isn’t handsome or knowledgeable, or even likable.

Even now, four months later, I am still baffled. And a bit nauseated. He inherited $120 million from his father (and still only worth about that much on paper, so I’ve read) and then convinces everyone he is successful because he’s rich. He’s even gotten many to believe he is a self-made man, although it behooves me to ask how you can be self-made when you were born wealthy? And owning property does not make a person a good businessman. It makes you a property owner, nothing more. All of his actual profit-making endeavors have failed dramatically, i.e., Trump Casinos, Trump Steaks, and Trump University. Paying someone to buy and sell property for you doesn’t make you business savvy. It’s acknowledging that you do not have the business acumen to make those decisions yourself, which is kind of smart. But also lazy. I thought the American people had a little more sense than this. Not much more. But surely more than enough not to take a scumbag like Trump seriously as a presidential candidate. I mean, every time he has run in the past, everyone considered it a joke. Because it was. Unfortunately, the joke is now on us.
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